Category: Seminars

Reviews and takeaways from seminars and note-taking.

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Interview With Yuri Simoes – “Training With Intensity” – A Case Study

Yuri Simoes was kind enough to sit down with me for a few minutes for an interview to talk about his philosophy and approach to Jiu Jitsu.  His intensity was the first thing that caught my attention when I became aware of him years ago, and really opened my eyes. If you are interested in

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Midwest Pan Ams Camp 2017 (Days 6 – 10) “The Downhill”

This post will conclude the Midwest Pan Ams Camp Series.  I talked about the Beginning (Day 1), the Middle (Days 2 – 5), and now am putting down my thoughts about the End (last days of camp). At the tail end of the Middle of Camp, everyone started to work on getting their second wind.  Friday

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2017 Midwest Pan Ams Camp (Days 2 – 5) “The Grind”

2017 Midwest Pan Ams Camp is a third of the way done.  Every day has been phenomenal training.  I have also been reminded that grapplers that have only attended a single session are missing out on hidden depths of learning. Cumulatively, Pans Camp utterly destroys my vitality, strength, and energy reserves.  Some people come in and try

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What To Expect At a BJJ Seminar Taught By Nick Diaz

I have attended jiu jitsu seminars taught by accomplished grapplers across the spectrum — guys like Caio Terra, Felipe Costa, Jeff Glover, Eddie Bravo, and Gokor.  They were each amazing in different ways. These completely different and exciting personalities still couldn’t help me wrap my brain around the question “What would a Nick Diaz seminar

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