Tag: bjj

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You Are Your Own Coach – Taking Ownership Of Your Jiu Jitsu

This post is what my entire blog has revolved around. You must become your own coach, and not rely on your instructor to micromanage your journey for you.  I’m not saying this because I doubt your instructor’s abilities but because that is the natural progression of Jiu Jitsu improvement. When you are brand new every

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Are You Cross-Training?

Cross-training with other gyms wasn’t always an option.  A new age for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is here. The dark ages of the “us vs. them” mentality have slowly eroded.  The growth of information available on the internet has eliminated “secret techniques.” Cross-training can be a huge leverage point for improvement. If your current gym is

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How Do People Deal With Long Hair In BJJ?

Reader Question: Would you give some advice for having long hair in BJJ. What have you learned over the years?  There isn’t a ton of info out there… Josh Littleton has been a proud member of #teamLongHair for awhile now (his blog is featured on my “Best BJJ Blogs Of 2017” list) . Answer: Having Long Hair

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Jiu Jitsu Stories – “Woman Puts Life In A Chokehold”

One of my students sent me a letter that made my month.  I have been teaching a women’s only class for over a year now and loved every minute of it.  The transformations I have seen in spirit and body have been amazing.  Nothing is more satisfying than when a woman puts life in a

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Yuri Simoes Taught Me About Intensity For Nice Guys

The first time I saw Yuri training, I learned a lot about myself before we ever even spoke.  One of his biggest strengths was one of my biggest weaknesses. He knew how to train with intensity. (If you missed the interview with Yuri, go back and see it here!) I Remember It Like It Was

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Interview With Yuri Simoes – “Training With Intensity” – A Case Study

Yuri Simoes was kind enough to sit down with me for a few minutes for an interview to talk about his philosophy and approach to Jiu Jitsu.  His intensity was the first thing that caught my attention when I became aware of him years ago, and really opened my eyes. If you are interested in

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How To Make A Seminar Rapidly Improve Your BJJ

Attending a spectacular seminar with Yuri Simoes this past weekend reminded me how important seminars are to improving at Jiu Jitsu.  Every time I take a seminar I walk away adding new positions, submissions, takedowns, or scrambles to my game.  This weekend’s techniques fit perfectly into a neglected area of my Jiu Jitsu development. I

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu For Veterans

Veterans have trouble figuring out where they fit in once military life is over.  The culture shock of moving from a military to civilian lifestyle can feel impossible. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a tool that eases this adjustment.  The most common thing I hear from my veteran friends is “Training Jiu Jitsu saved my life!” One of

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